As a kid I dreaded the day at the end of August—usually a rainy one—when we’d pile into the car and drive to Staples for our annual back-to-school haul. This meant two things: Summer was as good as over, and all that lay ahead was the dreaded first day of school and being trapped in a classroom during perfectly good beach weather.
But over the years I’ve come to appreciate a fresh box of pencils and an attractive tape dispenser. Fortunately, there are a slew of goods on the market that are upgrades on good old-fashioned supplies—no garish colors or plastic in sight. Instead of the standard-issue back-to-school list, turn to this one, with upgrades on the classics. (P.S.: It applies to the office too.)
1. Neutral Book Cover

2. Pencils for Every Purpose

3. Slip-Free Tape Dispenser

4. Sturdy Stapler

5. Paper Clips

6. Old-School Pencil Sharpener

7. “Robust” Scissors

8. Mark-Resistant Pencil Case

- Beyond Bed, Bath & Beyond: 18 Dorm Room Essentials for the Back-to-School Set
- Expert Advice: 8 Ways to Create a Productivity-Enhancing Workspace
- Happier at Home: 8 Tips on How to Go Paperless
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