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Design Sleuth: Jacob Wool Blankets and Throws


Design Sleuth: Jacob Wool Blankets and Throws

November 10, 2010

When cooler weather arrives, we find ourselves revisiting Ilse Crawford's interiors for the Olde Bell Inn, our reigning favorite wintery interiors project, with rooms that are reassuringly traditional yet modern at the same time. In the bedrooms of the Olde Bell, Crawford used throw blankets made in Scotland from the undyed wool of Jacob sheep, "an ancient heirloom breed that has graced the large estates and country homes of England for many centuries," according to the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association. Below are some sourcing ideas for Jacob sheep throws.

olde bell inn wool blanket

olde bell bedroom 2

Design Sleuth Jacob Wool Blankets and Throws portrait 5

Above: Herringbone Jacob Wool Throw from Green Grove Weavers of Scotland; £68 at Cotton Vale (cushions are also available for £32.50) .

Chevron Jacobs Throw 2

Above: Chevron Jacob Wool Throw; the knee rug is £27, the throw is £63, and the blanket is £81 at Things of Beauty. 

jacob wool eco centric

Above: Gray Jacob Wool Blanket (127 by 178 centimeters); £70.50 at Ecocentric.

Design Sleuth Jacob Wool Blankets and Throws portrait 8

Above: London shop SCP carries the Jacob Chevron Stripe Blanket (200 by 148 centimeters); made by Green Grove Weavers in Scotland; £81.99.

Design Sleuth Jacob Wool Blankets and Throws portrait 9

Above: Jacob sheep are prized for their luxuriant wool, which ranges from nearly white to nearly black.

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