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Required Reading: The Compleat Squash


Required Reading: The Compleat Squash

November 15, 2012

Wondering what to do with the avalanche of fall squash from your garden or the vegetable market? Amy Goldman's book, the Compleat Squash, has the answers.

Part growing guide and part cookbook, the Compleat Squash includes seed sources, harvesting tips, and recipes. If that doesn't grab you, the photography by Victor Schrager will. Together, Goldman and Schrager elevate the humble squash to a new level.

700 the complete squash book

Above: The Compleat Squash: A Passionate Grower's Guide to Pumpkins, Squashes, and Gourds is $29.95 at Terrain.

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Above: A compendium of sorts, Goldman's book "lovingly ponders the case histories and culinary merits of common and uncommon varieties of the pumpkin and the squash."

700 compleat squash toc

Above: Goldman includes information about every kind of squash you've ever heard of and many you haven't.

700 compleat squash tall squash

Above: Photography by Victor Schrager.

700 compleat squash rare flavors

Above: The recipe section is called "Rare Flavors."

.See our earlier post: 10 Easy Pieces: Best Pumpkins to Grow for Next Year's Halloween for more ideas.

Explore more: Books.

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