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A Family-Friendly House in Sussex


A Family-Friendly House in Sussex

May 27, 2013

A rambling cottage in the English countryside (East Sussex, to be exact) welcomes children, dogs, friends, and visitors with its unstuffy interiors‚ and some of the most charming kids’ rooms we’ve seen. Stay tuned for a Steal This Look tomorrow (we’ll be dissecting one of those children’s bedrooms).

Images via Light Locations.

forest house sussex 3

Above: The exterior is stained black, in dramatic contrast to the green countryside.

forest house sussex 1

Above: In the living room, scissors as decor.

sussex farmhouse dining room

Above: A trio of black industrial pendants illuminates the dining room table.

A FamilyFriendly House in Sussex portrait 6

Above: A simple, low-budget kitchen.

sussex farmhouse living room 2

Above: Window frames have been stripped and add a rustic note.

east sussex farmhouse 15

Above: The expansive living area.

sussex farmhouse sitting room

Above: A sun room offers views of the surrounding landscape.

forest house sussex guest room

Above: In a guest room, a shelf of books provides diversion.

forest house sussex 2

Above: A children’s room featuring rustic twin beds from XO in My Room.

forest house sussex 10

Above: A closer look at the rustic bed made from reclaimed materials from XO in My Room.

forest house sussex 8

Above: A path leads to the entryway.

forest house sussex 5

Above: The black stained exterior cuts a dramatic profile.

east sussex deck chairs

Above: The house is surrounded by decking for an indoor outdoor feel.

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