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Editors’ Picks: Mellow Yellow Roundup


Editors’ Picks: Mellow Yellow Roundup

April 21, 2015

Over the years we’ve posted color roundups, ranging from shocking neons to palest pinks; here’s our guide to yellow, one of our favorite hues.

700 reath design lampshade

Above: 5 Favorites: Color-Saturated Yellow Lampshades.

yellow painted floor yellow neon sign 0

Above: Trend Alert: 8 Bright Yellow Painted Wood Floors.

Editors Picks Mellow Yellow Roundup portrait 5

Above: 5 Favorites: Yellow Accents.

Editors Picks Mellow Yellow Roundup portrait 6

Above: Here Comes the Sun: 10 Bedrooms with Yellow Accents.

Kr  114  kmora Holmar Vacation House Claesson Koivisto Rune 016

Above: Palette & Paints: Modern Yellow.

julie bedroom with yellow blanket

Above: A tour of my Mill Valley House on Refinery 29 (yellow Rose Uniacke cashmere throw included).

Stay tuned: We’ll be rounding up our favorite color posts all this week. Go to Palette & Paints for more ideas.

To make your own sunny tablecloth, see Dalilah’s DIY: Natural Turmeric-Dyed Tablecloth.  

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