A visit with Vivien Weyrauch and Fabian Röttger (and one-year-old Faye), courtesy of the editors of Freunde von Freunden, who dropped in to sip tea and eat oatmeal cookies with the filmmaker couple.
Weyrauch and Röttger (together they write A Nice Idea Everyday) are known for their gloomy and futuristic videos, but their tiny, antique-dotted flat in Berlin could not be more different. Weyrauch, originally from Frankfurt, and Röttger, from Würzburg, were drawn to the hip neighborhood of Bergmannkiez and had their daughter Faye not too long after moving. Drawing inspiration from their love of vintage video games and filmmakers like Antonioni, Lynch, Fellini, and Gavras, the couple created a home featuring a mix of antiques and electronics (records, art books, laptops, and cameras).
N.B.: Visit Freunde von Freunden to see more; for another FvF feature, go to Berlin Creatives at Home.
Photography by Philipp Langenheim, courtesy of FvF.

Above (L to R): Weyrauch, Faye, an action figure, and Röttger.

Above: When Weyrauch spotted a €300 children's teepee, she instead decided to create her own out of a Patchwork-Technic fabric.

Above: A DIY sawhorse table, antique sofa, and brass floor lamp coexist with Faye's stuffed animals.

Above: Bright-colored children's toys next to a wicker and iron armchair.
Above: A white sideboard (for something similar, consider the Ikea PS Cabinet) stores the couple's media collection.

Above: The long and narrow kitchen features a washer/dryer turned countertop.

Above: A mood board of inspiration and family photographs in the kitchen.

Above: A jade plant, cactus, and mother-in-law tongue sit in the kitchen window.
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