When you stare up at your ceiling lights are you dismayed by what you see? The team behind Santa Barbara startup Tulip feels your pain. “It began with a boob light and a desperate need to cover it up,” says founder Lori Smyth, who made her first shade by suspending a pair of red box shorts over a dorm room’s glaring fixture. She’s since developed a growing line of good-looking cotton coverups for all sorts of ceiling-mounted landlord specials.
“We firmly believe that no one, regardless of financial position or handyman know-how, should have to settle for a home with bad overhead lighting,” she writes. Renters note: Tulip shades don’t require power tools and are leave-no-trace removable.

Browse the Remodelista archive for lampshade and lighting inspiration
More ideas for apartment upgrades:
- Furniture for Keeps: The Anti-Disposable Flatpack Bed (Ideal for Renters)
- Elevated Flatpack Furniture from Moebe in Copenhagen
- 10 Tiny Paris Apartments by Marianne Evennou, Master of the Bite-Size Design
- A Revived NYC Garret with a Space-Saving Bed in a Box, Before and After
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