Our friend Justine of Design Skool has a great eye for affordable art and photography; for a new Remodelista series, we've asked her to clue us in to some of her favorite finds. Here's her report on Quercus Design:
For years, Jennifer Steen Booher has enjoyed beach combing along the shores of Bar Harbor, Maine (she calls it her "favorite sport"). But it wasn’t until last year that this prolific hunter gatherer became obsessed with documenting her treasures in photographs, which led her to launch Quercus Design. For Jennifer, the task of arranging her finds into balanced compositions is an endless fascination; the challenge of effectively capturing their translucence and textures a perpetual fixation. In a process that is part art, science, history, and technology, she gives these lost artifacts a new context and a new life. To see more of her work, go to Quercus Design; to browse her online offerings, go to Etsy.

Above: The Shore Path, August 30, 2010; $20 for an unmatted 8-by-10-inch photograph (other sizes available).

Above: Seaweed, The Shore Path, August 30, 2010; $40 for an unmatted 12 inch square photograph (other sizes available).

Above: Harborview Park, March 15, 2011; $40 for an unmatted 12 inch square photograph (other sizes available).
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